Steve Jobs’ Bold Truths About Consultants: A Candid Moment with Industry Insiders

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Steve Jobs in front of Apple logo in 2005
Steve Jobs once advised consultants: “You should take action.”

  • Steve Jobs had reservations about the consulting⁤ industry.
  • In⁣ a 1992 address at MIT, he⁤ openly critiqued​ consulting practices.
  • He encouraged consultants to seek roles that offered greater ⁣ownership and accountability.

The iconic co-founder of Apple, Steve Jobs, shared some impactful insights for consultants when he stated: “You should take action.”

This remark was made during ⁢a lecture at⁤ MIT in the spring of 1992, where he elaborated on his⁢ views​ regarding the⁣ limitations of consulting work.

Jobs argued ⁣that‌ consulting often ⁣lacks essential‍ components⁤ that contribute to job satisfaction—such⁢ as autonomy, opportunities for failure, and avenues for personal⁣ growth. He emphasized that ‌without long-term ownership ​over one’s decisions and recommendations, professionals miss out ‍on valuable learning experiences.

“Without having something to own over an extended period—like ⁣several years—where one can be accountable⁣ for their suggestions and witness them through​ all stages‌ of implementation while gaining⁣ wisdom from mistakes ​and setbacks, you only grasp a fraction of ‌what is possible. You come in ‍with⁢ recommendations but do not bear responsibility for the outcomes.”

This lack of depth leads to what Jobs described‌ as a superficial understanding‌ akin to viewing a wall adorned with⁣ images of fruit. “You never experience it fully,” he remarked. “You never get to taste it.”

This ⁣perspective may resonate particularly well with ⁢younger professionals from Generation Z who are increasingly seeking fulfilling careers—even if it means giving up the financial security typically associated with consultancy roles.

Jobs certainly embodied his own philosophy; after dropping ⁢out of college in 1976 to establish Apple, he⁤ navigated through​ various challenges within the ⁣company. He briefly departed ⁤in 1985 to create NeXT—a‌ computer firm focused on higher education—before making his notable return in 1997.

A pivotal moment came when​ he steered Apple into the smartphone revolution with the launch ⁢of ​the iPhone—a product⁣ that‌ has since become one of Apple’s primary revenue streams. According to Apple’s second-quarter earnings report for 2024, iPhone sales represented approximately 46% of total net sales during‍ this period.

Throughout his journey, Jobs consistently urged individuals to embrace risks while striving toward meaningful objectives.

He once conveyed this sentiment to Walter Isaacson—the‌ author behind his acclaimed biography—stating: ⁤“We are all partaking in history’s flow… ​It’s essential that you ⁢contribute something back into this flow which‌ will benefit your community and assist others.”

Read more about this topic‍ on Business Insider


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