Transforming Global Health: WHO and Multilateral Development Banks Launch €1.5 Billion Initiative to Boost Primary Care in 15 Countries!

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Implementation is now underway for‌ the newly‌ established Health Impact Investment Platform, marking​ a significant step‌ towards transforming initial commitments into actionable health investment plans in various countries.⁢ This groundbreaking ⁣collaboration involves Multilateral Development ⁤Banks (MDBs), the World Health Organization (WHO), and nations classified as low-​ and middle-income (LMICs).‌ The ⁢initiative aims to address the urgent need for unified efforts to enhance primary healthcare (PHC) in at-risk‌ and underserved populations, thereby bolstering resilience against pandemic threats​ such as mpox and‍ challenges posed by climate change.

During a high-level roundtable held in New ‍York alongside the UN Summit of the Future, ​new funding agreements were finalized. Partners‍ committed to collaboratively assess needs‌ and strategize improvements in healthcare across 15 selected countries.

The meeting saw participation from key stakeholders including the founding⁢ MDBs:⁤ African Development Bank (AfDB), European Investment Bank (EIB), Islamic ‍Development Bank (IDB), WHO representatives, heads of state, and health ministers from Senegal and Uganda. Additionally, ⁤the Asian‍ Development⁣ Bank ⁣expressed its ​support for expanding this‌ initiative​ into its operational regions by endorsing the Declaration on Strengthening Primary Health Care ​through this‍ platform.

The EIB along with WHO initiated an initial contribution of €10 million to launch these‍ investment plans. Both IDB and AfDB are finalizing ‌similar contributions that ⁤will be formalized shortly.

This ​platform ‍is integral to unlocking €1.5 billion in ‌concessional loans and grants aimed at⁤ enhancing primary healthcare services within low- and middle-income nations, particularly targeting their most vulnerable communities.⁣ The investment ​strategies currently being formulated across‌ these‍ 15 countries represent a crucial ⁢phase of this financial endeavor.

The objective ⁣is to collaborate closely with ‌national governments to devise health strategies that‌ prioritize investments aligned‍ with local health ⁢requirements. Today’s launch coincides with one​ year since this⁤ platform was⁣ first introduced during⁣ the Summit ⁤for a New Global Financing Pact held in Paris.

Dr Ibrahima‍ Sy, Minister of Health for Senegal stated,⁢ “Engaging‌ private sectors alongside local communities through ​diverse financing avenues is essential for advancing health initiatives. The collaboration between WHO, multilateral development⁣ banks, and national governments plays a pivotal⁣ role in directing investments from this Platform towards⁤ effective⁣ primary healthcare delivery while also fostering local vaccine production‍ capabilities.”

Dr Jane ‍Ruth Aceng, Uganda’s Minister of⁢ Health remarked on the significance ⁤of establishing such platforms: “All our ‌challenges originate at primary healthcare levels—be⁢ it disease outbreaks or access issues;⁤ everything begins there.”

“Primary healthcare represents an equitable approach that effectively enhances overall well-being by maintaining public health standards while enabling early ⁢detection⁣ of ⁢potential outbreaks,” emphasized Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, ​Director-General of WHO. “The Health Impact ⁢Investment Platform will​ serve as an⁢ essential ​source for new funding aimed at developing resilient primary care systems capable of weathering climate-related crises.” He expressed gratitude towards multilateral development banks for‍ their⁢ partnership⁢ commitment while reaffirming‌ WHO’s dedication to working closely with nations involved.

Nadia⁤ Calviño, President of EIB noted: ‍”One year ⁣ago‌ we launched this‍ impactful platform; today we take⁢ further steps forward by contributing resources tailored toward developing specific investment⁤ plans.” She highlighted how supporting robust primary care services ​lays down strong community foundations ​through collaborative ‍efforts among MDBs guided by‍ WHO expertise.

“Global health security hinges on strengthening every ‌component within it; today’s announced funds⁣ will ‍empower nations striving toward enhanced primary care systems critical for curbing disease outbreaks,” stated Jutta Urpilainen from European⁢ Commission International‌ Partnerships Department. She added that‍ beyond financial support provided via this Platform lies an opportunity to fortify partnerships ensuring effective fund allocation across⁤ participating ⁤countries.”

Prior to ​COVID-19’s onset ,WHO estimated substantial increases were⁤ necessary regarding annual spending among low-and lower-middle income states—projected figures ​suggest ⁢additional⁢ US$371 billion‌ would be required collectively⁢ each ‍year until 2030 just so populations can access adequate medical services along with constructing ⁣new facilities ​whilst training personnel accordingly . Furthermore ,preparing against future pandemics could necessitate around US$31 .1 billion annually where approximately one-third must derive from international⁣ financing sources .

This innovative Platform‌ builds ‌upon lessons learned during cooperative efforts between various entities throughout previous global‌ crises⁤ like COVID-19—for instance ,collaborations involving Angola ,Ethiopia & Rwanda ‌showcased⁤ successful outcomes achieved ‌when‌ technical ‌assistance combined grants/investments facilitated implementation/enhancement related ‌specifically towards improving existing PHC frameworks .

*Countries ‍included under ⁢Phase One Initiative:

  • Burundi
  • Central African Republic
  • Comoros
  • Djibouti
  • Egypt
  • Ethiopia
  • The Gambia ⁤
  • Guinea Bissau
  • Jordan
  • The⁤ Maldives⁤
  • Morroco
  • Senegal ⁢
    < li >South Sudan​ < / li >
    < li >Tunisia < / li >
    < li >Zambia < / li >

    Editorial Insights:

    < p >About World ‌Health Organization:< / strong >< p >The World ⁢Health Organization(WHO) serves as United Nations’ specialized agency dedicated solely towards matters concerning global public health.It operates collaboratively alongside member states​ primarily ⁤via respective ministries responsible overseeing relevant sectors.WHO leads initiatives shaping research agendas setting norms/standards‍ articulating ‌evidence-based policy options ⁢providing technical ​assistance monitoring⁣ trends⁣ affecting⁣ population well-being.< / p >

    < p >Media inquiries can be directed here:< / p >

    < p >About African Development ​Bank ​Group:< / strong >< p >African Development Bank Group(AfDB) ‍stands out amongst premier institutions ⁢focused ⁣on developmental finance within⁣ Africa comprising three ⁣distinct entities ⁣namely ;AfricanDevelopmentBank(AfDB ),AfricanDevelopmentFund(ADF )and ⁣NigeriaTrustFund(NTF ).With⁢ presence spanning over thirty-seven African‍ nations complemented by ‌external office‌ located Japan,AfdB contributes significantly economic growth social progress ⁣experienced across fifty-four regional member states.< / p >

    < p />About European Investment Bank:< / strong >< p />EuropeanInvestmentBank(EIB ⁣)functions long-term lending institution representing interests ‍shared among⁢ EU member states.Financing sound investments aligned EU policy goals remains core focus area prioritizing climate/environmental sustainability innovation skills small-medium enterprises infrastructure cohesion.EIB collaborates extensively other institutions having allocated total funding exceeding€42billion globally since inception investing sector back1997.< br />< br />

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