Sync Your Social Life: Discover How This Innovative Calendar App Raised $8 Million to Help Friends Plan Together!

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Howbout cofounders Jake ⁢Jenner (CFO), Neil Tanna (CEO), and Duncan Cowan (CTO)
Howbout was founded by cofounders Jake Jenner (CFO), Neil Tanna (CEO), and Duncan Cowan (CTO).
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  • Howbout ⁢is a social calendar ⁣application designed to facilitate ‍planning among ⁢friends.
  • The startup, based‍ in the UK, ‍successfully⁢ secured $8 million in Series A funding led by Goodwater Capital.
  • This article features the⁣ 12-page pitch deck ‍that Howbout utilized to attract investment as a consumer-social startup‌ in 2024.

In many⁤ friend circles, there’s often⁤ one individual who takes charge⁤ of keeping the group chat active and organizing⁢ gatherings.

This role⁤ has‌ been aptly ​named by Howbout as Chief Friendship Officers.

“This person—often a woman—holds significant influence ⁢within her friendship circle,” stated ⁣Neil Tanna, ​CEO of Howbout, during an interview with Business Insider. “She acts as a micro-influencer, constantly messaging in group chats to coordinate meetups. Her efforts are frequently overlooked; without her initiative, these friendships would likely⁤ dwindle due to lack ⁤of interaction.”

The app targets these Chief⁢ Friendship Officers as its primary early ⁤adopters. ⁤Recently, Howbout‍ announced ‍it⁤ had raised $8 ⁢million in Series⁤ A funding led by Chi-Hua Chien ‍from Goodwater ⁣Capital.

Founded in 2020, this UK-based startup allows users to synchronize their calendars from ​platforms like Apple ⁢or Google with the app. This feature enables them⁤ to ‌share their availability and plan ‌events with friends seamlessly. Users can view when their friends are free and utilize features such as voting⁤ on plans, chatting⁢ about events, ⁤scheduling future ⁢activities, and⁢ sharing photos or videos from outings within ‌the app.

Users have control over how‍ much information they wish to disclose⁤ on the platform. ⁢According ‍to Tanna, Gen-Z users tend to​ be more open about sharing their​ entire schedules ⁤compared to older demographics.

“Sharing⁤ our time socially is one of the most effective ways we can stay connected with those we⁤ care‌ about,” Tanna explained ⁣while emphasizing that Howbout does not​ aim to compete directly with⁣ existing time management applications but rather offers a unique social experience for planning interactions.

Tanna mentioned that Howbout is nearing 5 million users and currently holds‍ the No. 15 position on Apple’s App Store under “Social⁢ Networking,” as recorded‍ on October‍ 10th.

The company is concentrating on user⁣ retention while targeting young adults rather ‍than teenagers ‌or college students for its demographic focus. “We⁢ quickly realized our product isn’t tailored for students; adults value time differently—it’s ⁣not just another commodity,” he ⁢added.

An example of another ​social application catering specifically towards young adults is Pie which recently completed its own Series A​ funding round aimed at individuals aged​ between 22-34 years old.

While still pre-revenue status-wise, Howbout is exploring various ⁤potential revenue models including subscriptions or freemium options where certain features may require payment access⁤ alongside forming strategic partnerships; already ⁤established collaborations include Tinder⁤ and Sony Music according⁤ to Tanna’s insights into growth strategies amidst challenges⁤ faced by consumer-focused social apps today.

“The ⁣key lies in developing engaging features that address real needs,” he remarked⁣ regarding ongoing development efforts at his company.”

A ⁢Closer Look at Howabout’s Pitch Deck

Explore how⁤ they presented themselves:

Please note: Some ‍slides have been ​modified for ‍public viewing purposes.

Introducing Howabout:‍ Your Social Calendar ⁣Solution

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For further ‍details read​ the⁤ original article published on Business‍ Insider

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