Apple Under Fire: NLRB Alleges Company Illegally Limits Employee Slack and Social Media Access!

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Apple Faces Allegations from⁢ NLRB Over Employee Rights Violations

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)‌ has raised serious allegations against Apple, claiming the tech giant⁤ has violated its employees‘ rights to advocate for improved working ​conditions. According to a formal complaint reported by Reuters, Apple is accused of unlawfully terminating an employee ⁤who utilized Slack to push for changes within the workplace. Additionally, the NLRB contends ⁤that another​ employee was coerced into removing a social media post.

The Background of the Case

This situation traces back to a 2021‍ grievance lodged by Janneke Parrish,⁤ one of the co-organizers of ‍#AppleToo. In October 2021, Parrish was dismissed from her position under allegations‌ of disclosing confidential information—an assertion she firmly ⁢disputes. ‌The complaint indicates that Parrish ‌employed Slack and public ⁣social media platforms to advocate for permanent remote work options.

Furthermore, she circulated open letters criticizing ‌Apple’s practices, conducted a pay equity survey among employees, and shared personal accounts regarding incidents of sexual ⁤and racial⁢ discrimination within the company. The labor board highlights that Apple’s internal policies require employees to‍ seek managerial approval before ‌creating any⁤ Slack channels; instead, they ⁣are directed to communicate their concerns through management or a designated ‍”People Support” group.

Employee Advocacy​ on⁣ Social Media

An illustration ‍of how some workers have used​ Slack for voicing their concerns can be found in a tweet from⁤ Ashley Gjøvik,‍ a​ former Apple employee dating back‍ to 2021.

Legal Representation’s Statement

“We anticipate holding Apple accountable​ during trial proceedings for enforcing blatantly unlawful regulations and terminating staff ‍members who engage in protected‍ activities such as highlighting gender discrimination ‌and other civil rights infringements prevalent in ⁢their workplace,” stated Laurie Burgess, Parrish’s attorney in comments made to Reuters.

Apple’s Response

In response to these claims, Apple maintains its stance: “We are deeply committed‌ to‍ fostering an inclusive and positive work environment. We take all concerns seriously and conduct ​thorough investigations whenever issues arise; however, we respect individual privacy by not discussing specific employment matters,” said‍ an Apple spokesperson in remarks made⁤ to Engadget. “We strongly contest these allegations and will present our case at the upcoming⁣ hearing.”

The Path Forward: Upcoming Hearing⁣ Details

If ⁣no settlement‌ is​ reached​ with the NLRB prior to proceedings commencing, an ‍initial hearing ⁤is set for ‍February‍ with an administrative judge‌ presiding over⁣ the case. The NLRB aims not only for policy changes at Apple but also seeks financial restitution for Parrish ⁤due to her termination-related hardships. Recently, additional accusations surfaced against Apple regarding coercive practices compelling employees into signing overly broad⁣ confidentiality⁤ agreements as⁣ well as ⁤non-disclosure and non-compete clauses.

Update 7:09 PM⁤ ET:Added comment⁢ from Apple.

This article originally appeared ‌on Engadget at⁣


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