Empowering Change: WHO Youth Council Issues Inspiring Call for a Healthier Future!

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The WHO Youth Council has unveiled its inaugural Youth ​Declaration‍ on Creating ‍Healthy Societies.‍ This document encompasses ​a series ⁢of action points shaped by young individuals globally, aimed at empowering them to take a pivotal role ‍in fostering ‍healthier and safer communities ⁢for everyone.

“We are⁣ thrilled⁣ to present our first​ Youth Declaration on Creating‌ Healthy Societies,” stated Kate Ndocko, a‍ member ⁢of the​ WHO Youth Council. ⁢”This ‌declaration embodies our shared commitment and priorities⁢ to assist communities—particularly youth—at local, ⁢regional, and global levels in becoming healthier and more resilient against the numerous health challenges we ​face today⁣ as well as those that lie ahead.”

The declaration was officially launched during the World Health Summit held in Berlin. It delineates ten actionable recommendations that position youth at the forefront‍ of co-creating healthier ‍societies worldwide while ⁤outlining what is necessary for success. The calls ​to action emphasize:

  • Ensuring access, equity, and inclusion for youth⁢ in education by dismantling⁢ barriers and tailoring ​approaches to ‌meet diverse healthcare needs across various communities.
  • Implementing comprehensive ​national curricula ⁣addressing ​health⁣ issues, climate change awareness,‍ and digital ⁤literacy.
  • Providing quality education through adaptable learning environments that respond effectively ‍to students’ needs.
  • Encouraging youth participation and leadership in crafting‌ health policies and programs.
  • Establishing ⁤inclusive‌ healthcare systems​ focused on prevention that‍ cater specifically to⁢ marginalized young populations.
  • Investing in young leaders⁤ who ​can spearhead⁤ initiatives related to health care, climate change ​solutions, ‍and educational reforms.
  • Cultivating safe spaces where young people are shielded from social injustices⁤ such as violence or​ harassment​ while‍ promoting healthy environments.
  • Pursuing collaboration with governments along with ⁢international organizations so that young voices contribute‍ meaningfully towards policy-making concerning⁤ critical health issues.
  • Acknowledging the diverse experiences of youths when developing health policies through their insights into community needs.
  • Enhancing support for grassroots organizations led by youth​ as‍ an investment into future generations’ well-being.

“The WHO is dedicated to elevating the‍ voices of younger generations‍ so we can achieve our collective ​vision of universal​ health,” remarked Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of WHO.‌ “The Youth Declaration on Creating Healthy Societies serves this purpose by channeling youthful ideas into a compelling call for transformation while​ demonstrating what can be accomplished when youths actively participate in shaping their own futures.”

Rehman Hassan‌ from the Act4Food campaign under GAIN expressed: “We cannot afford any longer to overlook the insights or energy offered by younger individuals who⁣ are essential for transforming our societies. Current crises—including pandemics, misinformation ⁣spreaders, conflicts over resources like food or water—and threats posed by climate change jeopardize billions’ well-being globally. Young people represent half⁢ of humanity yet remain largely excluded from ​governance structures; it’s crucial we engage them now more than ever.” He emphasized‍ how both the⁢ Youth Council alongside its partners will work diligently with WHO towards⁤ establishing this healthier trajectory moving forward.”

A Brief Overview of WHO Youth Council’s Formation

The WHO Youth Council was established ‌recently in⁢ 2023 as an active⁤ network designed specifically around amplifying youthful perspectives while ​harnessing⁤ their expertise toward public health advocacy efforts worldwide. ‍Members include representatives from various organizations focusing not only⁢ on healthcare but also encompassing ​broader ‍societal ​movements aimed at improving overall wellness among populations everywhere.
They provide counsel directly engaging with ‍senior leadership within WHO⁣ ensuring⁢ policies reflect innovative solutions tailored uniquely toward ⁣meeting today’s pressing challenges faced particularly among younger demographics across nations globally.
Additionally they serve as incubators‍ fostering new initiatives alongside expanding⁤ existing engagement strategies already‍ implemented throughout different sectors involved within public service realms related directly back down onto community levels themselves!

Editorial Insights

The following entities have⁢ representation within this dynamic council: Act4Food (partnership ‍under GAIN), Africa Public ‍Health Students Network Initiative (AfricaPHSN), Climate Cardinals; Commonwealth Youth Health Network (CYHN) -⁢ Commonwealth Secretariat; Digital​ Transformations For Health Lab (DTH-Lab); ‍European Network Of Medical Residents⁣ In Public Health (EuroNet MRPH); Grassroot Soccer; Healthy Caribbean Coalition/Healthy Caribbean Youth; Innovation⁢ For Health Equity In Africa; International Federation Of Medical Students’ Association (IFMSA); International ⁤Pharmaceutical‍ Students’ Federation(IPSF); International​ Student One Health Alliance(ISOHA); International Student Surgical Network(InciSioN); International Youth Alliance For Family Planning ;InternationalYouthHealthOrganization ;Orygen ;TheInternationalLGBTQIYouth&StudentOrganisation(IGLYO) ⁤;UNMajorGroupForChildrenAndYouth(MGCY) ;UniversitiesAlliedForEssentialMedicines(UAEM) ‌;WorldMedicalAssociationJuniorDoctorsNetwork(WMAJDN) ;WorldOrganizationOfTheScoutMovement(WOSM) ;YoungProfessionalsChronicDiseaseNetwork;YoungProfessionalsInForeignPolicy(YPFP);YouthAlliance(a branch from CLAS)and lastly,YouthAndEnvironmentEurope。

Diving deeper into discussions during their time spent together at Berlin’s summit event facilitated through⁣ support provided viaBertelsmann Stiftung , members engaged intensely over three days brainstorming collaborative ‌ideas ⁣leading towards actionable outcomes moving⁣ forward! New appointments were also announced representing diverse⁣ backgrounds contributing fresh perspectives⁤ onto ongoing dialogues surrounding these vital topics!

Bertelsmann⁤ Stiftung remains committed⁢ toward ensuring equitable participation across all facets society entails—politically,economically,culturally etc.—focusing ⁣primarily upon​ areas such education,digitalization ,healthcare‌ ,democracy &values . Their mission revolves around placing human beings front-and-center⁢ since it is ‌ultimately individuals​ who possess power capable ⁣enough‍ effectuate ‌meaningful changes needed improve world‌ conditions overall! Founded back 1977 Reinhard Mohn laid groundwork which continues thrive till present ‍day!



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