Lessons from the Trenches: My Experience Failing Meta’s Technical Interview and What I’d Do Differently!

9 Min Read


William Orgertrice smiling into ‌camera
William Orgertrice reflects on his​ preparation for Meta’s technical interview and what he would⁣ change if given ⁢another chance.
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  • William​ Orgertrice faced‌ rejection after interviewing for a ‍data engineering position at Meta.
  • Despite thorough preparation with mock ‍interviews and ⁢practice questions, he felt​ his study⁣ methods could have​ been improved.
  • He believes that working more efficiently and ⁤articulating his coding strategies during the⁢ interview would⁢ have benefited him.

This narrative is based on an interview with William Orgertrice, a 29-year-old data engineer from Atlanta, discussing his experience with the ​Meta interview process. The content has been edited for⁢ brevity and clarity.

In March, I received an email from ⁤a recruiter at Meta inviting me to apply for a⁢ data engineering role. They had discovered my LinkedIn profile and believed my background matched their needs perfectly.

The timing was ​serendipitous; I had just‍ learned about my impending ​layoff from ⁢my previous‍ job at a staffing agency, effective April⁢ 1st. This news propelled me back ‍into the job market ⁤almost immediately.

I ‌successfully navigated through the initial phone screening conducted by Meta’s team and dedicated the ‍following two weeks to preparing for the next stage—a technical interview—by engaging in mock interviews and tackling practice questions. Despite feeling well-prepared, I ultimately did not secure ‍the position.

I take pride in reaching this second round of interviews; however, looking back, I recognize⁢ that I would adopt a different strategy if given another opportunity.

Quick‌ Notification of Advancing⁣ Past ⁢Initial Screening

The preliminary⁣ phone screening involved⁤ questions about my professional background, familiarity with various technologies, and whether I’d consider relocating​ to one of Meta’s primary⁣ offices. Although based in Atlanta at that time, ‍I expressed openness to moving⁢ to Menlo Park for this opportunity.

I have accumulated five years⁤ of experience in data engineering primarily utilizing Python, Java, ⁢and SQL throughout my career⁣ journey.

The recruiter concluded‌ our call by⁤ informing me that I’d progressed to⁤ the next ‍phase: an hour-long technical ⁤assessment with one of their data engineers from​ the team.

Two Weeks Dedicated to Interview Preparation

I​ scheduled ​my technical interview two ⁢weeks out as it allowed ample time for ​focused study while also accommodating my upcoming layoff situation; however, I ‌had flexibility regarding how soon or ‍far out it could be set ​up.

I created an official profile​ on metacareer.com which granted access⁤ to valuable resources including insights into Meta’s interviewing process along with ‍LeetCode-style practice problems⁢ tailored across various programming languages ⁤available for ‌candidates’ selection. Given its relevance in my‌ work history, I opted for Python as my preferred language choice while also supplementing this learning through YouTube tutorials analyzing coding challenges alongside practicing ⁤frequently ‍asked LeetCode queries found on Blind 75 lists.
I dedicated anywhere between ‍half an hour up until two‍ hours daily leading up towards‌ this⁢ pivotal moment!

Mock ⁤Interviews Proved ‌Invaluable During Preparation​ Phase

To enhance‍ my ⁣readiness further still—I engaged in two ⁤mock⁢ interviews: one being a coding ‍challenge ⁣facilitated by​ an Amazon engineer whom I’d⁤ connected with via LinkedIn; another was behavioral-focused led by president representing
Technologists‌ of ⁢Color, where I’ve actively participated⁢ over⁢ four years now!

  • Quantify achievements made⁤ within past roles effectively;
  • Add ‌personal ​touch using “I” instead “we” when discussing experiences;
  • Dare ​share⁣ thought processes aloud during coding ‌assessments!

These simulated sessions provided crucial insights allowing me firsthand experience mirroring real-life scenarios while receiving constructive feedback tailored specifically towards improving performance.

Entering The​ Interview With ⁤Confidence Yet​ Facing Time Constraints On Questions

Upon‍ entering virtually—the ‍atmosphere felt relaxed yet direct thanks largely due diligence shown ⁤throughout preparations undertaken prior!

The session lasted precisely sixty⁣ minutes—structured around five-minute introductions followed​ closely thereafter by ⁢twenty-five minutes allocated solely towards solving three-to-five programming inquiries followed again subsequently transitioning onto SQL-related tasks requiring similar‌ attention spans respectively!

The introduction passed swiftly—it served merely ⁤as brief overview concerning who exactly am before diving headfirst into those challenging ⁤Python queries presented‍ sequentially! Each ​question appeared individually allowing room clarifications sought whenever necessary.

Utilizing CoderPad—a collaborative code-sharing platform—I shared solutions directly onscreen whilst benefiting additionally from IntelliSense editor aiding troubleshooting ‍efforts encountered along way! Unexpectedly discovering availability proved advantageous indeed enabling successful resolutions achieved across first couple problems tackled although unfortunately​ running short ‌time constraints hindered‌ completion third query ​which turned out most intricate among them all!

Transitioning smoothly onto SQL ⁣inquiries revealed simplicity yet demanding nature consuming precious⁢ seconds ticking away rapidly once‍ again resulting inability finalize third question‌ posed⁤ here too!

Concluding With ⁣Insightful Queries‍ For The Interviewer

As we‌ approached final moments remaining within allotted‌ timeframe—I seized opportunity pose several insightful inquiries directed ⁢toward interviewer regarding team dynamics current projects⁤ underway plus⁣ ways​ contribute value effectively moving forward together collaboratively!

Responses provided⁤ were informative concluding call ⁤left feeling optimistic overall proud having completed entire process despite outcome ultimately falling short expectations set forth initially.

Two weeks elapsed before receiving notification via email indicating decision favored alternative candidate instead mine—unfortunately compliance regulations prevented any detailed feedback being shared explaining rationale behind choice‌ made ultimately leaving many unanswered questions lingering ⁤still today…

While numerous factors may account rejection experienced—it’s‌ undeniable competitive landscape ‍exists meaning someone else simply aligned better fit requirements outlined therein… Should chance arise revisit same scenario once more—there are certainly adjustments worth considering implementing improve​ results⁢ achieved henceforth!

Practice Portal Questions Did Not Align With Actual ‍Interview‌ Experience⁣

Firstly—I⁣ wish thoroughly explored every aspect available within portal offered through meta career site rather‍ than hastily jumping straight ahead ‍focusing ‌exclusively⁢ upon⁤ coding ⁢exercises alone missing vital resources such understanding how⁣ utilize IntelliSense effectively beforehand rather than ​figuring things⁢ out live under pressure later down line…

Although helpful—the practice materials accessed proved significantly easier compared actual challenges faced during formal assessment itself wishing known beforehand⁣ discrepancies existed between these ​realms entirely different experiences ​altogether…

For instance—instead typical problem-solving‌ task revolving looping ⁣through list items seeking⁤ answers—you⁣ might encounter real-world scenarios navigating computer files employing python determine ​contents held⁢ each respective file encountered therein instead…

If⁤ preparing future endeavors ⁢involving meta interviews again—I’d prioritize reliance upon mock sessions ‌heavily since they provide personalized‍ feedback coupled accurate representations ‍reflecting true nature expected questioning formats utilized regularly throughout ​industry standards upheld consistently ‌across board!

Verbalizing My Thought‍ Process Would Have Enhanced Performance Yet Pride Remains Intact Regardless!

Reflecting now—it dawns upon me articulating thought processes clearly‌ could’ve compensated lack⁤ responses delivered fully ‍addressing every single inquiry posed earlier… Demonstrating ​reasoning⁣ behind choices ​made likely ⁤showcases proficiency skilled ​programmer ‍beyond mere ability find solutions ‍alone ⁢without context surrounding⁣ decisions ⁣taken accordingly…

Despite facing disappointment stemming rejection received post-interview nonetheless remain proud accomplishments attained thus far especially reaching stage testing skills demonstrated previously…‍ If​ granted second chance revisiting entire journey undertaken‍ thus far—would undoubtedly invest ⁤greater​ effort studying harder‌ engage ‌additional rounds practicing showcasing cognitive approaches employed tackling complex issues‍ arising naturally throughout development cycles encountered regularly day-to-day basis‌ alike!

If you’ve undergone similar experiences navigating Big Tech or ​FAANG company hiring processes—and wish share your story please reach out Tess Martinelli via email:tmartinelli@businessinsider.com < em > ‌.⁢

Read original article published Business Insider here:

Source⁣ link here…

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