Harris Draws Bold Parallels Between Trump and Hitler at Battleground State Town Hall

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Vice President⁤ Kamala Harris participated in a CNN town hall event in Pennsylvania on Wednesday, engaging with undecided voters as she reiterated ⁤her controversial comparisons of former President Donald Trump to⁤ Adolf Hitler, the dictator of Nazi Germany.

“When the president of the United States suggests to his military leaders, ‘Why can’t you emulate Hitler’s generals?’ this is an extremely serious matter,” Harris stated during her discussion with CNN’s Anderson Cooper. “We are aware of his admiration for authoritarian figures and his correspondence with ‌Kim Jong-Un.”

Earlier that⁣ day, John Kelly, who served as Trump’s chief of staff, claimed that Trump had expressed admiration for “Hitler’s generals” due to their loyalty. In response, Harris took to X (formerly Twitter) asserting that Trump seeks ​”unfettered power,”‍ further drawing parallels ​between him and the infamous dictator.

“Donald Trump is pursuing unchecked authority. He desires a military akin to what Adolf Hitler⁣ commanded—one that would pledge allegiance solely to him rather ⁤than our Constitution,” she tweeted earlier on Wednesday. “He is erratic and unstable; if given another term, there would be no one left to restrain ‍him from ⁢acting on his⁢ most dangerous impulses.”


Cooper challenged Harris about her strong language‌ right ⁣at the beginning of their conversation during the town hall event, prompting her affirmation that she considers Trump a “fascist.”

“You referenced General Milley labeling Donald Trump as a fascist but have​ not used that term yourself until now—do you believe he fits this ⁣description?” Cooper⁢ queried.

“Absolutely yes,” was ⁢Harris’ prompt reply.

This exchange follows two assassination attempts against Trump since July—a situation ​he attributes ‍to inflammatory rhetoric from Democrats.


During this live ​town hall session aimed at undecided voters in battleground states, Harris assured attendees that if elected on November 5th, her administration would diverge significantly from Biden’s policies.

An audience member asked how she could differentiate ⁢herself from Biden after serving under his⁤ administration for four years: “What can we expect differently?”

In response, despite previously‍ stating ​she couldn’t identify any major differences between herself and Biden while campaigning earlier this ⁢year, ⁣Harris asserted Wednesday ⁣night that​ her leadership style would indeed ⁣differ from Biden’s approach.

A New ‍Direction Under My Leadership

“My administration will not simply continue where Biden left off,” said Harris confidently. “I bring my own vision and experiences into this role.” She emphasized representing a new generation ready for innovative solutions across various issues.

Tackling Housing Challenges

“For instance,” she continued passionately about housing policy reforms based on personal experience dealing with predatory lending practices‍ during the foreclosure crisis which resulted in billions returned back into homeowners’ hands.” She ⁤added how homeownership has been significant both ⁢personally and nationally.

The Town Hall Context

The event commenced at 9 PM in Chester Township—less than​ 20 miles outside Philadelphia—and‍ followed CNN’s proposal for hosting a third presidential debate after Biden withdrew from consideration.

Coping With Immigration Policy Questions

Cooper also pressed Harris regarding immigration policies including bipartisan proposals involving funding for border wall construction—a project she previously criticized vehemently when it was ⁢championed by Trump.

“Let’s discuss your proposed compromise bill ‌which allocates $650 million towards building more‌ border wall infrastructure,” Cooper pointed out.

Harris responded humorously before addressing past ‍criticisms: “Remember when Donald Trump claimed Mexico would cover those costs? That ⁣never happened! The last figure I saw indicated only about 2% completion under his watch.”

Despite acknowledging previous opposition towards such measures under Trump’s presidency due largely because they were⁢ ineffective overall; however pledged commitment towards bipartisan⁣ efforts aimed at comprehensive immigration reform moving forward.

A Focus On Practical Solutions Moving Forward

“We need pragmatic solutions without ideological barriers hindering progress,” stated an assertive yet optimistic tone throughout discussions surrounding citizenship pathways available through earned⁣ qualifications rather than blanket amnesty approaches alone.”

As discussions‌ progressed ⁢toward abortion rights advocacy amidst ongoing legislative battles nationwide over reproductive health access; highlighting alarming statistics regarding ⁢maternal mortality rates linked directly back restrictive state laws governing these‌ matters became focal points within conversations held throughout evening events hosted by local media outlets covering developments ⁢closely leading up elections scheduled later fall season ahead!

In closing remarks made ⁢following extensive dialogue exchanges surrounding pressing issues facing‌ constituents today—including economic recovery strategies post-pandemic fallout alongside social⁣ justice initiatives designed uplift marginalized communities across America—it remains clear both ‌candidates vying win support ⁣crucial ‌swing states like Pennsylvania must navigate complex terrain filled competing interests while striving maintain focus core values⁣ resonate deeply among electorate base overall!

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