From Anxiety to Authenticity: How Slowing Down Transformed My View on Love

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Photo of Rachel Schwartzmann
Transforming my view‌ on time has influenced various aspects of my life.
⁣ ⁤

  • Rachel Schwartzmann‌ is⁢ the founder of‌ the newsletter‌ and podcast‌ “Slow Stories,” based in New ⁢York ⁤City.
  • This piece ⁤is an adapted ‌excerpt from her book,⁢ “Slowing.”
  • “Slowing” delves ⁢into the advantages ​of embracing a slower ‌lifestyle.

The ⁤atmosphere shifted as I ⁢clicked⁢ on the link for my first therapy session.⁤ The‍ opening hour‍ served as⁣ an introduction, outlining how we could‍ make the most of our ⁢time together. My therapist encouraged me to reflect on how I had ​reached this moment. Stories poured out ⁤like water from a burst pipe, and eventually, I confessed that this⁢ was my inaugural experience seeking help.

“You’re ready to experience something different,” she said gently.

I ‍adjusted in my chair and diverted my gaze. The trees outside were calm again, basking in the⁤ afternoon sunlight. No birds were visible—no cardinals or robins or‌ even pigeons. My⁢ eyes wandered⁢ higher: ‌above the treetops lay soft⁢ clouds; beyond that was sky and stars; further⁣ still was everything⁢ else imaginable. This felt like the highest ⁣point I’d reach for some‍ time, as visions of misty mountaintops filled‌ my mind.

There was nowhere else‍ to go; ‍there was nowhere else⁢ I’d prefer to be.

“Yes,” I replied softly, mostly addressing my​ reflection on screen. “I want to give it a try.”

Understanding My ⁤Anxiety: A Personal Reflection

“What⁣ does anxiety ‍feel like?” someone close to me once asked curiously.‌ “Is it all in your head?”

I struggled to articulate ⁤it as July⁢ transitioned into August and ⁢then into another season entirely—if I had words‍ at all, they were buried beneath ​a wave⁣ of‌ nausea that engulfed ⁢me for days. If they existed, they were hidden within a ‘sick bag’ I prepared just‌ in case calming myself became ⁤impossible. But now, clarity‍ has emerged.

I would explain‌ that anxiety turns ‍me into someone untruthful about how I’m feeling inside.⁢ When people inquire about ‌my well-being, there’s an urge ‍to reveal that I’m teetering on collapse ⁣but instead respond with‍ something simple like “I’m busy; I’m fine.” It’s easier this way because who says I’m obligated ⁣to ‌share? Yet when​ forced laughter ‌leaves sharp pains ⁣at the corners ​of my mouth after a⁤ day spent pretending everything’s okay, it’s clear: ⁤anxiety feels like betrayal—a disconnect between mind ⁤and body⁤ that’s hard to trust.

Anxiety resembles an electric current draining both creativity and social ⁢energy ⁢from ​within⁤ me—a constant state akin to having an⁤ overactive sixth sense alerting me‍ about impending crises everywhere ⁤around me. ‍It ⁣intrudes upon thoughts with chaos so loud that basic needs become threats: You ​will unravel completely if you ⁣don’t manage yourself properly—it whispers ominously while sowing seeds of fear deep inside until nothing⁢ remains ⁢but dread‍ itself.

This‌ fear becomes fertile ‌ground for more turmoil when ⁣I’ve exhausted ⁢every ounce left within myself—my stomach churning ⁤with bile mixed with remnants ⁤of hope lost along⁤ the way ​until only despair thrives there instead.

At⁣ its peak intensity level though? Anxiety feels like having one’s spirit yanked out​ by unseen forces manipulating⁤ life’s very essence—all wonder fades away‍ leaving darkness behind where no light can penetrate anymore.

So here I ⁣am ⁣fumbling through shadows trying desperately not just ⁤remember but‍ rediscover alternative‌ ways forward through existence itself!

Reframing Time: A Pathway Through Anxiety‍ Towards‍ Love

I never questioned whether I’d keep pace alongside John—my husband—but sometimes his self-assurance felt overwhelming.

During our early⁢ travels together watching him navigate ⁤life effortlessly made each trip highlight insecurities lurking beneath surface-level confidence—the anxieties creeping up quietly​ yet persistently reminding me constantly what​ wasn’t right within myself!

Back⁣ then though youth offered illusions where‌ flaws transformed ⁣opportunities rewriting ​narratives tailored perfectly fit others’ expectations: Go here! Act⁢ thusly!⁢ Visit‍ these places! Be this ‍person! And whatever ⁤happens don’t forget—you must always perform at peak levels!

This relationship dynamic⁣ grew increasingly complex fueled equally‍ by societal pressures alongside genuine curiosity exploring new horizons ahead.
Eventually however—I embraced slowing down realizing achieving slowness represented enlightenment accessible enough⁣ anyone could grasp easily without needing elaborate explanations attached too tightly⁢ onto them either…
But claiming slowness fully revealed nuances previously overlooked‍ before ​revealing truths often‌ unexpected ​waiting patiently just​ below surface level awareness!

Anxiety occupied more than mere peripheral space throughout daily routines—it morfed itself into unique form embodying ‍its own version ⁣resembling⁣ slowness invoking alternate timelines shifting perceptions regarding movement through life⁤ altogether leading ultimately towards redefined measurements concerning love too…

The essence blooms ​amidst motion ‍yet matures gracefully during moments spent stillness ‌exploring​ depths uncharted beyond reach apps tracking distances​ traveled alone…

A love captured⁣ fleetingly blurred ⁤edges⁢ photographs taken shared experiences cherished ‍forevermore building lives intertwined across vast expanses traversed together hand-in-hand ⁤navigating complexities⁤ inherent⁢ journey ⁤called living fully⁣ alive!

Read ​more‍ from Business⁤ Insider’s original article

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