Unleashing the B-2 Stealth Bomber: A Precision Strike Against the Houthis and the Art of Hitting Tough Targets

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A B-2 Spirit refuels over the skies of Missouri in June‍ 2023.
A⁢ B-2 ⁣Spirit ⁢refuels over the skies ⁣of Missouri in June 2023.

  • The ⁣US military executed ​a ⁢series of ⁣airstrikes targeting Houthi⁣ positions in‌ Yemen on Wednesday.
  • The Pentagon confirmed that B-2 stealth bombers participated in these operations.
  • Designed ⁣for long-range missions,‍ the⁢ B-2 is capable of striking even the most fortified targets.

On Wednesday, the US⁣ military launched a series of airstrikes against Iran-aligned Houthi rebels⁢ in Yemen, utilizing B-2 stealth ⁣bombers to‍ target underground facilities.

The Pentagon indicated that deploying the‍ B-2‍ Spirit during ‌this operation serves as a clear message‌ to adversaries like Iran: no‌ target is ‌beyond⁢ reach‍ or too well-concealed for US forces. These bombers are specifically engineered ‌to engage hard-to-access targets‍ effectively.

Secretary of Defense ‍Lloyd Austin‍ stated that⁣ these “precision strikes” were aimed at five fortified underground weapons ‌storage sites utilized by Houthis⁣ to support their assaults on shipping⁢ routes within the Red Sea and Gulf ​of Aden.

The US military reported that these facilities ⁢housed missiles, weapon components, and various munitions. The operation‌ involved‌ assets from ‌both the US Navy and Air Force, including the strategic use of B-2s.

In an official statement regarding this operation, Austin remarked that it showcased “the United States’ capability to strike facilities​ our adversaries attempt to keep hidden—regardless of‍ how deeply buried or fortified​ they may be.”

A B-2 bomber against a solid gray sky.
A B-2 Spirit soaring above ‍northwest Missouri in August 2018.
⁣ ⁣

This operation marks ⁢a significant milestone as it represents the first‍ known deployment of a B-2 ⁢during an ongoing counter-Houthi campaign led by the⁣ US military. Previously, ⁤operations ⁢have primarily relied⁣ on naval vessels and fighter jets stationed nearby for missions against⁢ rebel forces.

The Air Force currently operates only 19‌ active units ‌of its Northrop Grumman-manufactured flying wing aircraft—the B-2s. Each bomber costs approximately $2 billion; however, two have been ⁣lost due ⁢to accidents. These heavy strategic bombers are stationed at ⁣Whiteman ‍Air ‌Force Base located in⁢ Missouri.

Before introducing‌ its successor—the new⁢ B-21 Raider—the B-2 was exclusively ⁣recognized as America’s stealth bomber for decades. This formidable asset plays an essential role within America’s nuclear triad and can execute both ‌conventional‌ and nuclear ⁤strikes⁣ up ​to 6,000 nautical ​miles away ⁢without requiring mid-air refueling capabilities.

With its remarkable range coupled with advanced ⁣stealth ⁣technology, the⁤ Air Force highlights its “unique‌ ability to ‌penetrate sophisticated enemy defenses while threatening critical heavily defended targets.”

The design concept behind this aircraft was rooted in Cold War strategies aimed at overcoming Soviet air defenses; however, it became operational⁣ after this era had‌ concluded.

Over nearly three decades since entering service, the ⁣versatile bomber has participated⁣ in numerous global conflicts; notably its last bombing mission prior to⁣ Wednesday’s strikes occurred early⁢ in 2017 when it targeted Islamic⁤ State positions.source

A U.S. Air Force
A U.S. Air Force’s ‍A-Bomber takes off from ‍Whiteman AFB.

U.S.Airforce photo by Matthew S.Domingos/Airman First Class

Mark Gunzinger—a retired colonel who previously piloted‍ older models ⁢like ⁣the​ Boeing-built Stratofortress—asserted that with its capabilities,
the ⁣stealthy nature‌ allows ‍engagement with ‌“any ​target ​globally without needing access‍ or landing rights at specific locations.”

For example,
the bomber can depart from bases located within continental USA yet successfully strike objectives situated across Middle Eastern territories or conduct patrols throughout Indo-Pacific‍ regions.

This​ capacity becomes​ crucial when executing limited strikes ​intended solely for deterrence purposes while avoiding entanglement with allied nations through landings on their bases,” Gunzinger explained,
who⁢ now ⁢directs ‍future concepts‌ assessments at Mitchell Institute.

He further noted how low observability‍ enables surprise attacks without prior warning—enhancing tactical advantages significantly—and combined with substantial payload capacities sends strong signals towards potential adversaries.

Boeing’s GBU57 MOP⁢ bunker buster being deployed.
Boeing’s GBU57‍ MOP bunker buster being deployed.
U.S.Airforce photo/SeniorAirmanSamanthaWhite/AirmanFirstClass⁢

While specifics regarding munitions used ⁢during recent Houthi operations ​remain undisclosed,
it ‌is noteworthy mentioning only ⁤one aircraft​ type ‍programmed specifically designed drop GBU57 Massive Ordnance ‌Penetrator (MOP).

The GBU57⁢ MOP—a GPS-guided⁤ munition weighing around thirty thousand pounds—is engineered ​capable penetrating ‌deep into high-value installations buried ⁣beneath two hundred feet before detonation ‍occurs making it largest non-nuclear ordinance available within ‍USAF arsenal.

Its‌ robust warhead ⁣casing ensures maximum explosive impact while ‌maintaining structural integrity ‍upon impact⁤ enabling effective ⁤penetration through hardened defensive structures.

The USAF describes MOP as⁢ heavy-duty ordnance ⁣adept accomplishing complex missions involving reaching enemy armaments stored securely ​protected⁣ sites⁢ effectively delivering decisive blows where needed most.”

Additionally,B–two also accommodates other ‌powerful munitions including five hundred-pound ‌bombs alongside⁤ two thousand-pound variants providing ‌unparalleled firepower sending messages few others ‍could convey effectively.

Read more about original article​ published via Business Insider
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