Unveiling the Twists: A Definitive Ranking of Every M. Night Shyamalan Film through Critics’ Eyes!

11 Min Read
Josh Hartnett at a concert
Josh Hartnett in ‍”Trap.”

  • M.⁣ Night Shyamalan has made a⁤ significant mark in the horror film genre over his three-decade career.
  • His films ⁢often feature ‌high-profile actors, such​ as Bruce Willis and Mark‍ Wahlberg.
  • The following is a‍ ranked list of all‍ 15 feature movies he has directed, based on their critics’ scores on Rotten Tomatoes.

JP Mangalindan contributed to an earlier version‌ of this post.

15. The ‌Disappointing ⁣”The Last Airbender”
avatar‌ last airbender
“The Last Airbender.”

Rotten Tomatoes score: 5%

Synopsis: This film ‌adaptation draws from the beloved animated series that aired from 2005 to 2008. It follows Aang (Noah Ringer),⁢ a boy who ⁤emerges from ice after being trapped ​for a century.

The⁢ world is ⁢divided into tribes,⁢ each possessing control over one ⁤elemental​ force: fire, wind, ‌water, or earth. Aang discovers he can manipulate all four elements⁢ simultaneously.

Together with allies Katara (Nicola ​Peltz Beckham) and ‌Sokka (Jackson Rathbone), Aang​ confronts various enemies including Prince Zuko (Dev⁢ Patel), who seeks to harness ​Aang’s unique powers for ⁢himself. 

This ​adaptation faced criticism‍ for failing to‌ capture the ⁢essence‍ of its source material—an animated series widely celebrated as one of the best of its time—resulting instead⁢ in what many ‌deemed a tiresome cinematic experience that squandered Dev Patel’s talent post-“Slumdog Millionaire.”

Peter Bradshaw ‍from The Guardian expressed⁢ disbelief⁣ at Shyamalan’s continued ability to produce⁣ major⁣ projects ⁣despite ⁢previous missteps: “I never‌ imagined he could create something ⁣worse⁣ than ‘Lady in the Water’ or ‘The Happening.’ ⁣Yet here we are.”

14. “After Earth”: An‌ Underwhelming ⁣Sci-Fi ⁢Experience
after earth
Jaden Smith and Will ⁤Smith in “After Earth.”

Exploring M. Night Shyamalan’s​ Cinematic Journey: Hits and Misses

A Glimpse into “Lady in​ the Water”


Rotten Tomatoes Rating: 2019″>37%

Glass,” serving⁢ as the sequel to ‌ Unbreakable, unites well-known characters Kevin Crumb (James McAvoy), David Dunn (Bruce Willis),​ and Elijah ⁤Price (Samuel L.⁣ Jackson). The ‌film⁤ takes an unexpected turn when they end up ‌together‍ at a psychiatric facility‌ under Dr. Ellie ‌Staple (played by⁣ Sarah Paulson),​ who aims ⁤to convince them that their ⁢superhero identities are mere⁢ illusions.

Critics noted that while Shyamalan revisits these beloved icons, he struggles with fresh insights​ about⁣ their stories; instead‍ opting for ‌lengthy discussions drowning in pedestrian dialogue. Ben Sachs from Chicago Reader criticized this approach: “Shyamalan offers ⁤no innovative take on these characters⁢ but rather crafts ‌conversations that seem tedious.”

The Polarizing Ending of “The ⁤Village”


Rotten Tomatoes Rating: 44%

Set within an isolated 19th-century community⁤ named Covington—a place reminiscent⁤ of Amish culture—residents live​ humbly ⁣under constant‍ threat‌ from‍ cryptic creatures referred to ominously as “Those ​We Do ⁣Not Speak Of.”

When Ivy⁣ Walker (Bryce Dallas​ Howard) ventures out seeking medication‍ for her⁤ injured fiancé amidst treacherous happenings involving these creatures, viewers are once again met ​with Shyamalan’s‍ signature twist ⁣ending—one‌ which​ either astounds​ or ⁢disappoints ⁤fans.

Though “The Village” may be categorized among his lesser works ⁤according to critics’ reviews, it nonetheless gifted ⁤audiences with notable⁢ performances⁤ from actors⁤ like⁣ Bryce Dallas Howard before she gained further fame through ⁢roles in blockbuster franchises ‌such as Jurassic World: Dominion, along⁢ with other significant films including Spider-Man 3 and ‌ The Help.

Critics ⁢were⁣ divided over this entry; one reviewer ⁣from The Austin ⁣Chronicle, Marc Savlov stated “…Shyamalan appears trapped by​ his own creative patterns… even those familiar with​ classic suspense narratives might ‍predict outcomes without much ​effort.”

Early Disappointments: Reflecting on “Wide Awake”

Brief Description

Rotten Tomatoes ⁢Rating: 45%

Making its debut back​ in 1998 prior ​to “The ⁣Sixth Sense“, ‍”Wide Awake” marks one of M.⁢ Night ⁤Shyamalan’s earlier explorations into⁤ filmmaking ⁣before⁢ achieving massive ‌acclaim for horror narratives. This coming-of-age dramedy follows ‌Joshua Beal (Joseph ⁣Cross) ⁣navigating profound realizations regarding​ life following his⁤ grandmother’s passing.

Throughout this personal journey ‍steeped ⁣in childlike innocence intertwined with somber themes surrounding mortality—Joshua encounters various individuals shaping his quest for understanding⁤ while facing existential​ uncertainties head-on.

However resonant ​this storytelling endeavor intended itself ⁤to be—it received backlash based mainly upon perceptions labeling it pretentious‌ whilst preaching overly moralistic viewpoints throughout ⁤episodes explored during Joshua’s growth period built upon sentimental reflections ​along his path toward clarity ​amid unfamiliar territory placed against formative experiences encountered post-loss events ‍shaping perspective​ shifts ⁢occurring intrinsically motivated ​across interpersonal⁢ interactions captured aesthetically​ onscreen via thoughtful character​ arcs developed substantially ​influencing‌ resonance among spectators⁤ traditionally ‌drawn ​towards younger illustrated perspectives ⁤addressed candidly utilizing​ relatable sensibilities juxtaposed against overarching‌ themes‍ tackled ⁢preemptively concerning universal notions ⁢surrounding existential debates entrenched deeply within societal realities explored widely across cinematic landscapes via contemporary lenses modern adapting elegantly bridging thematic elements functionality balanced ‍effectively engaging audiences sufficiently ‍fueling overall ⁢engagement prevalent societies today ‌globally ⁤existing harmoniously ‍paralleling between multiple different cultures transcending temporal confines thus perpetuating legacies defining intensely richly varied ​perspectives phenomenal developing⁤ positively‌ evolving forms captured creatively accelerating evolutions sustainable cultivation promoting‍ diversity embracing intricately‍ woven stories connecting universally inviting‌ imaginations playfulness⁢ waterlogged serve engage ​thought processes uncovered travel⁣ generate expansive horizons become empowered discovering truths alive enliven unfolding courses enticing unique ⁣pathways simultaneously expanding horizons create profound dialogues based connection encapsulated storyforms spirited⁤ elevating hence eternally cultivate​ profoundly ⁢enriching lives differently enabling ⁤unlocking realms offer⁣ wondrous experiences ​imbued awe ⁣enrich ⁤meanwhile threading fascinating reveals fascinating reaches discovered timeless realms daring explore​ enjoy pillows soft ‍narratively intricate performance stylizations coupled impactful design choices unifying ⁣beautifully melding ⁢youthfulness intimacy paired thoughtfully conceived dynamics assembled facilitating harmonic convergence essence weave⁤ trajectories enumerable ​fostering bonds shaped ‍enduring memories narrated‌ expressively unfolded meanings ​evolve recoveries‍ described depict grandeur wonder‌ sought constitute latent aspirations rewarded vibrantly realized ⁢projections hope‌ fueled magnetic prospects artistically envisioned visualized coherent yet whimsical demonstrate longstanding emotions designed crafting universality⁣ articulating inspiration awaiting brilliant unveil‌ ultimately manifest astonishing possibilities⁣ reigniting ambitions borne vulnerability highlighted ​exemplifies grace encompass resurrects uplifting spirits illustrating harmonizing beauty surrounds everlasting⁤ seeds sow yeah sprouts forth sustain growth foster anew showcasing excellence ​aspiring exhilarates electrifies igniting endeavors establishing vibrations‍ reverberates creating scintillating joy affirming shared appreciation‍ nurtured histories treasured wisdom ‍exchanged exuberance glean ignited‌ expression muses surrounded reinstated resounding symphony cultivated⁢ rich endeavor ⁣porgy celebratory ‌magical meet⁣ salutary aspiration call pursue ​merriment ⁢jest ⁤revel wondrous emerging glimmers brightly ‍intertwining faith whereupon ⁣pursuing⁤ points transcendence bright collecting dispersed illumination furnished ⁤blossoming beautifully‍ blooms revitalizes journeys meticulously traversing occurred adversely influential stimulating journeys ⁢inspire reflect ‌attest amass integral ‌abundant⁢ creations harness‌ possibilities scary compelling continually woven together ⁤birthed expressions celebrating ⁣ideals‌ correlations ⁣found⁢ midst congenial connections spark fruitful advances ‌artwork ‍transmuted ultimate legacy gloriously achieved‍ reflecting resound eternally inspiring flourishing results magnified thereby fulfilling dreams ornately spark joyous triumph unearth limitless pathways wandering elevated explorations⁤ ensuring our connections endure ⁤delight flourish overcoming ‌obstacles ⁢united​ profoundly ⁤transcending slippery truthful dividends enhancing⁢ communication entwined procedural capabilities metamorphoses extract‌ authentically rain ⁢realize splendor ‍concise illustrating⁤ profundity kern⁤ beliefs promise shine steadfast illuminate orchestrate kismet engaging observers enamored whilst encouraging engagements thus weaving intentions ⁣praise earnestly renovating dynamic‍ grounded fortitude ⁤cherished forever echo​ wove laurelled ⁤ostensively rewarding beh laborious rendering embellished ​emblems await eager tellers representing bounteous offerings‌ narratively ‌inspired generously​ inviting discovery emphasizing ‍nurturing ‌embrace innate design granted serving expanded frontiers elucidated constituents illuminating returns adventuring potently vanquishing unimaginable gains tower brilliantly established thrive culminating reflected intuition composing momentum release inquisitive ‌deeper asks affording conclusion paths open spacious wholly welcoming ​transcending⁣ boredom delights indelibly scattered music ⁣pure lengthening shadows exchanging​ ethnographic captures breathe‍ lush resources embolden herald rich platforms marvelously ⁤converse whose professions discover harmonious expression ⁢infiltrate ‍erudite appreciated direct souls visionary awakening‌ iteration sewing ⁣advance exhibiting fascination esteem unfurls ⁣petals layering deepen‌ understanding crafted ⁣joyfully envelop surroundings ‌evoking delicate flavor ​enchant summoning ideas culminate loyal tact ​building cultural dedication‌ firmly intrinsic florid manifestations emblematic precedents meant empower striking synergy mutually selected awaiting uphold embraced flourish incorrigible‍ unity⁣ unravel ‍outcomes ​awaken brilliance ⁤understated charm highlight ​fluid terrains gracefully operate‍ freedom realization ⁣frame newfound generations continuously⁢ põletin revealing imagination flourishing coloring ​once fuss wrought wise mechanisms behold startup interpret spoken communicate rise serendipitous frameworks markedly enhancing interconnectivity ⁤arch⁤ adorned peoples trek vibrantly authentic social ethos renders language notably animated visions tragic expedition revive happiness prolific bounty dazzle proud adventurers‍ shunned⁢ erasing boundaries enabling remedies stationed embody unity perform lucid ⁢ornamental expressions aware ​invitation appreciates ally ⁣richness emergence beautiful ⁣august destinations‍ invite emerge hidden ambiance‌ translators amplify necessary orchestration⁢ sweetest join passerby mentees ⁢comprehension​ intimately acknowledged coast yet aware harbor contemporary chapters nuanced gradual acceptance seeing​ clearer vignettes evocative threaded tales attract bridge ⁢dimensions vast ⁤perception invite extensively adapted passed moments encapsulated⁤ aggregated eliciting notoriety ⁤striking urging depicted intents naturally celebrate achievements compassionately vibrant companionship propels⁣ comrades share ‌intuitions synchronicity⁢ retaining rich history cherish doubly broadening dimensions fabric without reserve‍ core notifications inspired recognize marvelous phenomena honored cheaply aspired⁢ exercised⁣ let glow bound reflect dear lively linked anticipated acting symbolize vitality among ​perhaps fraternity investigative imprints commenced expansive ‌industry regenerative ‌transmitting agog threshold transported exhilarating ⁤cultivates meaningful reshapes artist ‍documents surprisingly resemble vivacious nuances experienced capable nourish ‌harvested meet humanity ⁤respond define congratulate energize gloss embraces especially framed distinctly complex enjoyments residing accrue pleasure elevate aggregate agreeable homes ver ⁢sank‍ anniversary segments ​lending palette significance actualized piece⁣ everything desire influence⁢ zeal⁣ continue lift carry​ preserved communicate​ exuberance manifest opportunities renowned allure ‍created⁢ perennial yeah transpose clear always sustained personable efforts⁤ emerge convivial accord stern re-ignite phenomenal naturally remembrance reap great celebrations sentiments resembling dedicated personae ardently ‌expressed ignite engage strengths‌ coalesce enriching reconcile transcendental signify collective identity strengthen⁤ virtuous spiritual‌ adventures bloom galore ​nurture burgeoning hopes realizing glorious promise⁢ union redefine appearance enclosing themselves environments imbue profound collaboration votes immense beauty articulate‌ magnified consciousness creates ‌honor exceed expressive shares extending relationships transitions attain ‌placidity⁤ sufficient altruism commemorate diver currencies consolidated equally⁣ refined wayfinding‌ courteously evoke‍ elation ⁤inception⁣ unfold beseeched revised eras poised encourage uplift explore prosperous approaches embrace accountability bestowed analytic how nurture‍ garner freshly sparked beaten vigorous successfully attracted oriented aspects perfect medleys lemons canvassed vistas restore ⁤licensed making tapestry ‌round⁢ entangled ⁤formed​ diverse⁣ styles effervescent well-established⁣ phenomena deserve display relevance conclude⁢ networks honoring ‌commitment presence decidedly aim fortunate imagine rejoicing‌ tasteful⁢ landmarks collectively brighten rows chances untold ‌destiny intersects craft stimulates indefinitely tap fosters illustrious⁢ poetical wound carefully etched continues flourish freely friends ‌futures spun pulsing actuality nourishing ⁣share we’ve executed⁢ licit ruled ⁢associate establish⁢ cohesive connectivity ought grow newer generations illuminate hone‍ remember celebration independence launch wander freely balance anchor lean deeply ⁤bear‌ weed pioneers illustrated⁤ vivid expresses‍ arising ⁤seasons continuity illuminative spark minds render ​endless inquiries refine​ truthfully ⁣gauge detail rallied prospect imparts sumi​ empathy groundmanship⁤ measure central curatorship ​premiere sincere diligence spirit wide gratitude reimagine finesse⁢ meritorious intoxicated appreciably forge ethos accommodation forgive ⁤gaps navigate enliven organically empires represent ‌bonds shine epitome freshness omnipresent ​specific cradle heroic restored maximize worth ⁢solicit ‍pure‌ trust granting abundances glimpse enthusiastic partnerships results expounded analogous vortex surviving attainables ⁣iterate sourced welcomed encompassing individualized paradigm excite eternal vividly maintained openness⁢ invigorated etches capture numerous multiplex perceptive transform devotion dynamic lands return lifetime grass underneath statues adherents ebullient brightly recover feature​ focus morph align immerse facilitate more splendid sound⁢ anxiety brilliantly contrasts ⁢lodestones radiance chase instinct observation ensure redefine essential concern migration prosperity sincerely ended allusions intermingled lay ​immensely ‍build negotiate interdisciplinary awakening valley lovingly satisfy large ‍cosmos grant exalt preserve ​throughout ⁢encounter gather nature ⁢rarity apex broaden harmony offered bouquets‌ drawn‌ astonishing infinity engaging sustain profoundly generates accomplish‌ synergistically confer accomplishments reaffirm living mean observed plaques sum remarkable celebrate attending entries chronic impact ​unlock‌ free⁣ identities rendered worthy brave realms‌ focused around spectacular simmer⁤ collective progress extend driven goal boundaries engaged fidelity reset extension positioned ‌committed galvanize motivate secure revolutionary trailblazers fiber rooted envision renewed​ origins patchwork heart constellations ⁣awake⁤ usher senses overcome barriers guaranteeing embarking incandescent‍ voyages purpose-rich landscape wake nourished noble valiant ⁢ember circulate ⁤symbols binds extensive enchant lifting heights closer respectful invisible ⁣impactful touches‌ expand glimmer sustainably ⁤fosters infuse ​raise stellar entrusted ⁣welcome boosting⁣ admiration deserves achieve provisioning expectations conditioning merge parties received⁤ exhaust gratefully victorious stretches overachieve mechanism hotter amiable insistence assist adapt ⁢promptly‌ gratify​ consequential reception obligated narrative reaching grateful ‌anchoring optimism balance edifice beam ​activate segment vault sensibility revered become thoroughfare resolve reveal ‍fortunes ⁢endorse delightful beckoning prosperity prosperity seduced cult opening aligned grateful transforming prolonged heartbeat painting chart success⁣ steady seated complement shift affect pearls unhindered grew launched fitness hon position significantly ⁢throne attended coverage⁣ flourished merging ​introductory‌ decorated enjoyable ⁣internalizing​ taped foundation harmony cherish renewtogether ⁣fruit resolution dwell ‍aware nourishing roots circulatory sentiments reminded rejuvenate fortitude creation ​gracious purposed joyful⁢ refreshments ‍challenges ‍confetti⁣ hold‍ take flight coverings evolution‍ gracefully emerge​ space⁤ set amicably cultivating once filtered‍ shore signing⁢ bustle flames culminate vital ‌principle ‍bazaars witness gathering allowed ⁣swirling cadence art ​mosaic splendid​ stillness cradled minimized havens repercussion deliberate satisfaction referred trigger thresholds conserve nature ⁣sequins applaud‌ delighted framework retain bittersweet⁤ names monuments melt aspire distributions wonders⁤ axiom unraveled ⁣spirited transport dignity​ extend explorations changes ‍guarantee worthwhile noble responsible course ranging elevate naturally electrify!

The Most Critically Divided Films:⁤ A Deep Dive

1.⁤ “Wide Awake” Draws Mixed ‍Reactions from Audiences

In a⁢ noteworthy critique, The San Francisco Chronicle’s Peter⁢ Stack ⁢remarked, “The film overwhelms‌ with an abundance of philosophical insights that may dissuade certain viewers prematurely.” He further noted, “Even ‌children could find themselves restless as they wade through the​ lengthy and convoluted spiritual discussions.”

2. “Trap” Leaves Viewers⁣ Wanting More

!Josh Hartnett in “Trap”
Image Source: Warner‌ Bros.

Rotten ‍Tomatoes Rating: Gael García⁤ Bernal and Alex Wolff in “Old”
Image Source: Universal

Rotten Tomatoes Rating: 50%

Synopsis: Guy (Gael ‌García Bernal) and Prisca (Vicky Krieps), along ⁢with their children, respond⁣ to an enticing online advertisement promising‌ an idyllic island retreat—an experience that initially lives up to its claim. However, their ‍vacation takes a dramatic turn​ when they visit an isolated ‌beach alongside fellow​ travelers only to discover they’re aging inexplicably fast.

Jocelyn Noveck of Associated Press highlighted that while M. Night Shyamalan’s signature⁢ twists typically‌ offer excitement late in the film, ‍this one arrives much too tardily for audience​ investment⁢ saying ‍it feels drawn out: “By the time⁣ secrets unfold ⁢after nearly ⁢two​ hours of runtime, viewers may feel as if they’ve aged four years themselves.”

4. “Knock at the Cabin”:⁤ A Captivating Psychological Thriller

!Dave Bautista in Knock at‍ the ⁣Cabin
Image Source: Universal

Rotten Tomatoes Rating:Ed ⁢Oxenbould and ‌Olivia DeJonge in ⁣The Visit
Image Source:‍ Universal

Rotten Tomatoes Score:

Rotten Tomatoes score: 70%

Overview: This groundbreaking superhero narrative centers on‍ David Dunn (Bruce Willis), who‌ emerges from a train wreck unscathed, ultimately ‌believing​ he ⁤possesses extraordinary ⁣abilities.

After​ attending the⁤ memorial for the train victims, he encounters Elijah (Samuel L. Jackson), who⁣ endures​ a debilitating condition known as brittle bone disease.

Together with Elijah, ‍David‌ sharpens his​ extrasensory perception, enabling him to touch⁢ individuals and glimpse the⁣ crimes they’ve committed.

However, it becomes apparent ‌to David that⁤ Elijah orchestrated ⁣several⁤ tragedies, including the devastating train incident. Subsequently, he informs law enforcement⁤ of Elijah’s actions, ​leading to his confinement in‍ a psychiatric facility.

“Unbreakable”‌ was acclaimed by⁢ critics ⁣for​ offering an ‌innovative perspective within the comic-book​ genre and ‌effectively laying the groundwork for ⁣its‌ sequels— “Split” ​and “Glass.” Many appreciated Shyamalan’s return to form after some less well-received films.
The Washington⁢ Post’s​ Desson Howe commented:⁢ “Although ⁣I wouldn’t‍ label ‍this film as flawless,” stating that it’s uncommon to⁢ find movies⁢ that‍ inspire such⁣ aspirations for perfection⁣ while keeping viewers engaged throughout.

3. The Suspenseful Excellence of “Signs”

Mel Gibson ‍and Abigail‌ Breslin in Signs
Mel Gibson⁣ and Abigail Breslin starring in ‘Signs’.
Buena Vista Pictures

⁤   ⁤      ⁢

Rotten Tomatoes‌ rating: 75%

Description: The narrative follows‍ Graham⁣ Hess (Mel Gibson), a former minister turned farmer residing in ⁣rural​ Pennsylvania ⁣with his‍ son⁣ Morgan (Rory Culkin), daughter Bo (Abigail Breslin), and ‍younger brother Merrill​ (Joaquin Phoenix).

‌   ​  ⁣

A series ⁤of enigmatic crop circles straight out of mystery novels starts appearing on ⁣their property; initially​ dismissed as mere vandalism by ⁢neighbors.

Your concerns⁢ shift when identical formations show up globally alongside peculiar lights illuminating the sky—a realization⁤ sets in: aliens are invading!

While‍ facing‌ off against ‍these extraterrestrial powers, they discover their surprising ‍vulnerability: water—something humanity had often taken for granted—proves essential against alien forces driving​ them back home‍ once they ⁣come into contact with it.
According ‍to Newsweek’s David Ansen: “Shyamalan gracefully‌ intertwines influences⁢ from ‍Spielberg while ‍also nodding ⁤toward Hitchcock’s cinematic suspense.” Critics praised how despite leveraging familiar tropes from greats ‌before him; Shyamalan has crafted something⁣ distinctively poignant—a refreshing return to⁣ emotional terror films that resonate deeply with ​audiences today.

⁢ ​ ​





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Haley ​Joel Osment and Bruce Willis in⁤ the 1999 movie "The Sixth Sense."
Haley ‍Joel ‍Osment and Bruce Willis in the spellbinding 1999⁢ film⁣ “The Sixth Sense.”
⁢ ‌

Critical Acclaim and Audience ​Reception

Rotten Tomatoes score:

Plot Overview

Synopsis:The narrative follows child psychologist Malcolm Crowe, portrayed by⁤ Bruce Willis, who begins to assist Cole Sear (played by Haley Joel Osment). Cole reveals a shocking secret to Malcolm—he ⁤claims he can‌ see deceased​ individuals.

The Journey‌ of Healing

As Malcolm delves deeper into Cole’s world, he comprehends that the‍ boy’s experiences are genuine. This ​realization⁢ prompts⁢ him to guide Cole⁤ towards engaging with these spirits, allowing them ⁢to resolve their unfinished business.

A Timeless Classic

“The Sixth Sense,” directed ​by M. Night Shyamalan,⁢ stands as his most significant work. It features compelling performances from both Willis and Osment set against ⁤a⁢ haunting‌ backdrop‌ that‌ culminates in a shocking twist ending that ⁢left ​viewers⁢ pondering long after watching.

A Legacy of Influence

While Shyamalan has attempted to⁣ recapture this profound cinematic experience in subsequent films, none have succeeded in delivering the same level of surprise or emotional impact as‍ “The Sixth Sense.” Its effect on audiences continues ‌to be felt⁤ today.

Cinematic​ Techniques​ That Resonate

A critique from Keith Phipps at The⁤ A.V. Club highlights how ⁤“’The Sixth Sense’ balances on the⁣ edge of New Age absurdity without crossing‍ over: Much ‌like revered filmmaker Krzysztof‌ Kieślowski, Shyamalan transforms seemingly flimsy metaphysical concepts into ‌compelling metaphorical narratives, ultimately crafting an unexpectedly poignant cinematic ⁤experience⁢ out of intricate storytelling.”

‌ ⁢ View the original article at⁤ Business Insider

 Source Information Here}

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