OpenAI Shakes Things Up: The Dissolution of Its AGI Readiness Team

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OpenAI has made significant changes to its safety operations by disbanding its AGI Readiness team, which was focused on preparing⁢ for artificial general intelligence. Miles Brundage, a senior advisor from the team, announced this development⁣ in a recent Substack post, where he also revealed his departure​ from the ⁢organization.

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In his announcement,‍ Brundage expressed a desire for greater independence in his work, indicating ⁤that his decision to ⁣leave stems ⁤from an aspiration ⁤to influence ‌AI development from outside the corporate ‍environment. “I realized I want to⁤ make​ an impact‌ on​ AI’s evolution beyond the confines of industry,” he stated, adding that he had accomplished much ​of ‍what⁤ he aimed for during his tenure at OpenAI.

Brundage further‍ articulated‍ broader ⁣concerns regarding⁢ readiness within both OpenAI and ​other leading labs. He emphasized that‌ neither they nor society is adequately prepared for AGI ​advancements. This sentiment appears to resonate with⁣ many senior figures within OpenAI as well. Following the ⁢dissolution of the AGI‌ Readiness⁣ team, ⁢former members will be reassigned to various other departments within OpenAI.

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A spokesperson ​for OpenAI informed CNBC that‌ they support Brundage’s decision to move forward. However, this transition ‍comes at‍ a challenging time for OpenAI as it faces‌ an exodus of senior ⁤leadership when stability is crucial. Although they recently recruited⁢ a prominent AI researcher from Microsoft, this addition does not sufficiently address several vacancies in their upper management.

The ongoing leadership ⁢changes‍ and team dissolutions are⁤ exacerbating concerns about OpenAI’s trajectory ⁤toward AGI—especially following its controversial shift towards becoming fully profit-driven after⁢ initially starting ‍as a nonprofit organization.

Earlier this year in May, the company also disbanded ⁣its SuperAlignment team—a group dedicated to achieving⁤ “scientific and technical breakthroughs necessary for‍ guiding and controlling ⁢AI‍ systems far more intelligent than humans.” ‌Concurrently, there were reports about reassigning its chief AI safety leader, raising eyebrows among experts concerned‍ with ​ethical implications in ​artificial intelligence.


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