Transforming Mega-Sporting Events: The Lasting Impact of the Qatar-WHO Partnership for Health and Safety

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Building on​ the insights gained from the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, the State of ‌Qatar, in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), has unveiled a⁤ comprehensive report that outlines valuable lessons and recommendations for organizing healthy‌ and secure sporting⁤ events at ⁢both mega and grassroots levels ‍globally.

The document, titled Transforming Sports: Enhancing Health and Well-Being through Sporting​ Events, is a culmination⁤ of a three-year ⁢partnership known as Sport for Health, initiated in 2021 by Qatar and WHO. This initiative was developed alongside FIFA and Qatar’s Supreme Committee​ for Delivery and ‍Legacy to ensure that ⁣the ⁢legacy of⁤ a safe FIFA World⁢ Cup Qatar 2022​ endures. ⁢The‌ report was introduced during a ministerial ‍event named Enhancing⁣ Health and Well-being Through Sporting Events, which took place in Doha as ​part of the⁤ ongoing 71st WHO Eastern⁢ Mediterranean Regional Committee ‌meeting.

H.E. Dr. Hanan Mohamed Al Kuwari, Minister of ⁣Public ⁤Health ⁣for Qatar, remarked:​ “The collaboration among Qatar, WHO, and FIFA⁣ serves as an inspiration for organizers of major international sporting events to ⁣incorporate ⁤health considerations into their ‍planning processes.”

“The Sport for ⁢Health model embodies our dedication to leveraging‌ the transformative potential‌ of large-scale sports events to ⁢foster⁤ enduring improvements in public health,” stated Dr. Al Kuwari. “This report encapsulates​ our joint efforts—a pioneering framework that brings together nations, global‍ organizations, and sports federations‌ under a common goal.”

Dr.⁤ Tedros Adhanom⁤ Ghebreyesus, Director-General⁢ of ⁢WHO,⁢ emphasized that ⁢this new report highlights how sports—and⁢ sporting events—can⁤ empower individuals ⁣to ⁣pursue ​healthier lifestyles both physically and mentally.

“Once again we‍ observe‍ how health promotion can be seamlessly integrated into major sporting⁢ events,” said Dr. ⁣Tedros. “WHO remains committed to ​ensuring that these​ occasions continue serving as powerful catalysts for sustainable ⁣health​ initiatives.”

Qatari⁤ Olympic high-jump champion Mr. Mutaz Barshim expressed: “Sports⁤ possess an unmatched ability to​ inspire⁤ unity and transform lives. ⁤By​ prioritizing physical fitness alongside mental well-being during the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™, the Sport for‍ Health initiative has illustrated how athletics can contribute significantly‍ to healthier living standards worldwide—setting an exemplary ⁣precedent for‍ future ⁢global gatherings.”

The⁣ Sport for Health ⁤Partnership culminated ​in various ​health-focused activities throughout the FIFA World ⁢Cup Qatar 2022™, addressing issues such as tobacco​ control, healthy eating⁣ habits, mental wellness⁢ initiatives, physical activity⁤ promotion along with advocacy efforts.

A ⁢thorough evaluation was conducted over⁣ this three-year ⁤project resulting in ⁣several key recommendations including:

  • Establishing​ memorandums with private healthcare entities—including hospitals—to lay‌ groundwork for effective partnerships prior​ to⁢ significant events;
  • Engaging all pertinent ⁤authorities in decision-making processes related to planning and execution;
  • Create‍ detailed plans aimed at enhancing safety measures at large-scale sports gatherings followed by rigorous training programs simulating emergency scenarios;
  • Implement mechanisms designed to‌ bolster adherence to public health guidelines⁢ along with other established⁢ protocols.

The primary aim behind launching this partnership​ was not only safeguarding public health⁢ during ​but also after the tournament; ensuring visitors—including players—and local residents enjoyed their experience safely while advocating broader improvements beyond just ⁢sport-related activities ⁤through​ various programs promoting‌ active lifestyles nutritious diets.


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