Why I’m Breaking Free from ‘Boo Baskets’: Embracing Less Stuff for My Kids!

4 Min Read


Pumpkin-shaped bucket filled⁢ with candy
The ‌author expresses that her children already possess an abundance of⁣ items, leading her to avoid gifting them a ⁢basket overflowing⁤ with toys during Halloween.

  • ‘Boo Baskets’ are Halloween-themed gifts that some parents present to their children.
  • As a‍ parent, I aim to ‌prevent ‌unnecessary ⁣clutter in our home.
  • I ⁢want⁢ to be deliberate about the traditions I establish with my kids since ⁢it’s challenging to change them ‍later.

Halloween ⁣seems to have transformed into a ‌month-long celebration, becoming an​ increasing financial⁢ burden for parents.

There‌ are numerous ways to ⁤observe (and spend on)‍ this⁢ holiday, such as trunk-or-treat events, pumpkin patches, corn ⁣mazes, school festivities, costume ⁤parades, and traditional trick-or-treating. With expenses related to costumes, candy, events, and decorations combined,total⁢ spending ⁤for this ⁢year is projected to exceed $12 billion.‌ Many⁣ Americansallocate ​as ‌much‌ money towards decorating their ‍homes for Halloween as they do for Christmas.

A rising ​trend involves ‌’Boo Baskets,’ where parents gift their children ⁢Halloween-themed goodies. These⁢ baskets can⁣ include anything from ​small treats like⁤ candies and themed books or​ plush toys to larger items such‍ as clothing or blankets.

This feels excessive. As a mother of two young ⁢daughters, I choose not to participate in the Boo Basket ​craze.​ Not​ only‌ does it ⁣add stress during an already ‍hectic season but it also contributes unnecessary ‌items into our home. I wish‍ to ⁤be intentional about the traditions ⁣we create together; I don’t want the obligation of assembling these ⁤themed baskets ⁢every​ year.

I’m Focused on Minimizing Clutter Rather Than Adding ⁣More

My‌ children already‌ have more than enough belongings; thus​ I frequently ‍donate or sell items ​through platforms like Facebook Marketplace in efforts to declutter our space. With both birthdays and Christmas approaching soon ⁢after Halloween, I’m aware we’ll receive even ‌more things we⁢ don’t⁤ truly need.

If I were ever inclined towards ‌creating⁢ Boo Baskets it would ‌mean intentionally introducing more trinkets into ​our ‌lives—something I’m keen on avoiding. Should I decide on making one someday though;​ I’d likely adopt a similar approach as when ​preparing Easter gifts by focusing on practical ⁤needs like summer swimwear instead⁣ of seasonal⁤ novelties often seen⁣ in social media’s ⁢Boo Basket showcases.

I also wish my kids understand that holidays shouldn’t solely revolve around receiving gifts. The act of ​trick-or-treating itself provides ample treats without ⁤needing additional‍ pressure from ​assembling Boo Baskets amidst all ⁤other festivities associated with Halloween!

I ​Aim To Be​ Deliberate About ​Our Family⁣ Traditions

I ‍aspire toward establishing meaningful traditions so my ⁢daughters⁢ can fondly recall cherished​ moments from​ their childhood celebrations over time! For something truly​ considered⁢ tradition requires consistent repetition—and‍ being mindful regarding what⁤ those activities entail along with⁣ any associated costs is​ essential!

< span >While creating magical experiences ⁢remains important;⁣ it doesn’t necessitate⁤ extravagant spending!

< p >< span >Activities such as taking spooky​ walks around neighborhoods ‍admiring decorations together counting & sorting through collected candies post-trick-or-treating or visiting‍ local farmers markets for pumpkins followed by family carving sessions hold just as much⁣ significance compared against investing‌ heavily into annual Boo Basket creations! If ever tempted towards gifting holiday presents one year—I’d fear feeling obligated continue doing so indefinitely⁢ thereafter!

< p >< span >Every family has ‌unique dynamics—some may find joy within​ incorporating Boo Baskets annually while‌ others​ might‍ not share same enthusiasm! For ‌us personally however—it’s simply not part of‌ our tradition moving⁢ forward!

Read the original⁤ article on Business Insider


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