From Tesla to Rivian: How Hurricane Helene Turned an Ex-Owner into a Believer

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Man standing in‌ front of a ​muddy truck.
Michael Cusick, a ‌resident of ⁣Asheville, North‍ Carolina, shared with ‌Business Insider how his⁢ Rivian R1T not only weathered Hurricane Helene but⁢ also became ‌a vital resource for families impacted ‍by the storm.

  • Asheville local ⁤Michael Cusick and ⁣his ⁤Rivian R1T faced Hurricane Helene last week.
  • Cusick reported that his R1T not⁢ only endured‍ the storm but also served ⁣as an essential ‌aid to those affected.
  • After being contacted by Rivian,⁢ the former Tesla enthusiast declared himself a devoted⁣ fan of the brand.

A Shift from Tesla to Rivian

Once‍ an ardent supporter‍ of Tesla, Michael Cusick recounted to Business Insider his fond memories with his Model 3. “I traveled across ‍the country in that car,” he reminisced.

However, following Hurricane ⁢Helene—a devastating storm that struck the southeastern⁤ United States and hit Asheville hard—Cusick’s allegiance shifted towards Rivian. “I can confidently ​say I’ve transitioned from being a Tesla enthusiast,” said 28-year-old Cusick. “I’m fully committed to Rivian now.”

The Journey to ⁤Electric Vehicles

Cusick purchased his ⁤Tesla Model 3 two years ago and quickly accumulated around 70,000 miles on it. “I adored it. Transitioning​ from gas-powered vehicles to electric was incredible—no gears and instant torque,”⁤ he expressed enthusiastically.

A passionate outdoor adventurer ⁢who frequently explores off-road trails in the⁢ Appalachian Mountains near Asheville, he decided in June to switch gears and invest ⁣in a Rivian R1T.

Michael Cusick's Rivian R1T.
Cusick’s vehicle captured earlier this year at Pisgah National Forest.

Cusick explored ⁣various options like the‌ Tesla​ Cybertruck and Chevy Silverado EV but found them ‌either unavailable or beyond his budget. He ultimately paid approximately $87,000 for his 2023 model of the Rivian R1T.

The midsize design appealed to him as it could navigate ‍narrower trails while its air suspension provided ‍nearly two feet of⁣ ground⁣ clearance—a feature he appreciated greatly at that time; however, hurricane resilience was not on his mind when making this ​choice.

The​ Impact of Hurricane Helene

A drone operations manager by profession who relocated from St. Augustine, Florida two ​years prior for work opportunities—and perhaps seeking refuge from natural disasters—Cusick thought moving about⁢ 400 miles inland would offer safety against such events.

Yet on⁢ September 26th when Hurricane Helene⁢ made landfall near Asheville—a city home to around 95,000 residents experiencing​ an influx ‌of ​younger‌ generations like himself—the situation took a⁣ turn for worse after several days‌ filled with rain led to significant ⁤flooding throughout town.

Cusick had gone out downtown one evening while leaving his truck parked along⁤ Tunnel Road adjacent ⁢to Swannanoa River; however upon returning ‍home later that night via friend’s ride he​ awoke next morning only find cellphone service disrupted ⁣due flooding which ⁢had engulfed much area including where he lived.

Governor ⁤Roy Cooper later confirmed over sixty fatalities occurred within Buncombe County where Asheville is located according reports by The Associated Press.

< p >“My ⁣neighborhood was completely submerged,” ‍recalled Cusick. “There was no way ⁣I could ‌leave even if I wanted.” It wasn’t until September 28th when floodwaters began receding allowing him access back into town whereupon discovering what happened next left him shocked.

<< h3 > Discovering His Truck

⁤ << p > When finally able return Tunnel Road searching for vehicle parked there earlier revealed ⁣shocking news: “It wasn’t there anymore! Panic ⁤set-in thinking ‘Oh ⁢no! It’s gone!’”

⁢ << p > Fortunately electric vehicles like those produced by rivan come equipped tracking systems enabling owners locate their cars easily through apps available on ​smartphones which indicated location remained unchanged despite circumstances surrounding disappearance.

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‍ ⁤ << img src = "" height = "3072" width = "4096" alt = "A muddy Rivian R1T EV truck." />
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‌ ⁣ ⁤ Two days ‍post-storm​ showing⁢ how mud‍ enveloped entire exterior surface area.< / figcaption >
< / figure >

<< h3 > ⁢ A Surprising Discovery

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​<< p > Upon closer inspection ​alongside friend ‌they spotted what appeared lump mud beneath nearby overpass roughly‍ fifty feet away⁢ original parking⁤ spot indicating silt debris ‌carried‌ down river⁣ during​ flood event had⁤ engulfed entire vehicle causing ⁤initial panic turn relief knowing⁢ still intact ‍albeit covered ‌mess!
‍ ⁣ ⁢
< / p >


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