Finding Laughter in Darkness: Sasha Merci Shares How Comedy Became Her Lifeline Through Depression

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In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, we gathered insights from inspiring Latine comedians and creators about⁢ how humor has aided them in dealing with trauma and facing major life challenges. Explore the stories here.

The Healing Power of Comedy

What‌ captivates me about comedy is its unique ability to intertwine my identity with my mission. At the ⁢tender age of 14, I was diagnosed with depression, a period marked by sharp comparisons of my life to that of my high school classmates. Many around me seemed untouched by‍ heartache while I was grappling with tragic ‍thoughts; their preoccupations revolved around fashion fads and celebrity gossip, whereas I wrestled with profound grief. This disconnect initiated a dark existential journey.

Finding Humor Amid Grief

The seeds of my depression were planted early due to the heartbreaking loss of several family members, notably my mother and grandmother. Navigating⁤ through these emotional wounds required years filled with therapy sessions. Working as ‌a comedian has helped ‌me ⁤gradually reconstruct memories as one would assemble pieces in a puzzle—revealing⁣ the larger narrative​ of my‍ life. Each exploration reveals hidden humor within past traumas.

A⁣ Grandmother’s Influence

As a child,‍ I remained⁣ blissfully unaware that my biological mother had died; instead, I called my grandmother “Mama.” Despite seeing an unfamiliar woman ⁤who resembled me​ in our family photos on the mantlepiece—and constantly probing for her‍ identity—my grandmother deftly ​changed the subject each⁣ time ⁤I‌ asked about her history. ‌She had an extraordinary talent ⁣for making me feel ⁣cherished and listened to while affectionately⁢ calling⁢ me her little Cotorra.

Nurturing My Comedic Flair

I can’t quite pinpoint whether humor came innately; however, it flourished because of her belief ⁢in me as someone special who could‌ captivate⁣ audiences—even​ if it meant using exaggerated stories or impersonations during gatherings at home! The moment she prompted visitors by saying “Sasha! Come‌ here and tell⁢ them what you’ve just ​said!” marked many entertaining instances where I’d imitate various ⁢television⁢ characters—a glimpse⁣ into​ Hollywood unlike ⁢anything from growing up in the⁢ Bronx.

Coping Through Laughter ⁤After Loss

After moving from Santo Domingo to New York ⁣City following⁢ grandma’s‍ passing due to colon cancer, discovering more about my late biological mother flipped everything upside down again—I transitioned from being celebratory entertainment​ into ‍feeling conspicuously out-of-place living amidst reminders⁤ that encapsulated familial strife rooted deep within unacknowledged affairs chronicling part origins​ many might not understand fully today!

This led into learning how essential humor became for survival strategies ​while transitioning into ​this‍ unfamiliar household setting alongside⁤ half-siblings⁢ who surely navigated complicated dynamics too often filled daily reminders⁣ surrounding isolation during turbulent times emerged.

A⁣ High School Experience Colored‌ by⁢ Trauma

Difficulties fitting into social circles arose primarily due consideration given heavy losses experienced during childhood—it cast aspirations about traditional ⁢nuclear families far beyond reality’s confines ⁣haunting memory consistently reinforced fears regarding personal mortality prior acceptance presented possibilities recuperation‌ skills could evolve⁤ one’s protective empathy instead! Unable finding parallels among peers felt isolating​ especially‌ knowing better than​ most⁣ would agree touching bases remains delicate areas explored rarely akin​ trauma confronting altogether leaving deeper impacts than meets eye usually mere outsiders simple glimpses convey totally distorted views!

### Discovering My Voice ​through Comedy

At fifteen years old before understanding transformative powerformed connecting deeply imaginative concept fronts across multiple comedic landscapes (stand-ups/stage presentations), resonance struck ability address pain-play all ⁢stakes equally transforming outlets streaming platforms effortlessly tailored connections revealed intimate laughter ‍healing pathways emerging tirelessly forward instead reflections burden unchallenged appearing lonesome frantically manoeuvring drives favor moments unleashed potential uplifting unharnessed persistence preferred among artists venting lived experiences sought twofold relationships gained necessary empowerment building new⁣ community temples worked diligently embracing ‌depths existed shared mutually beneficial cycle unveiling unscripted turns navigating unpredictable trajectories altogether improved capacity drawing upon peer-to-peer relatability resonated widely counteracting overwhelming alone often felt heading back circling joy aligning truth lied​ forefront adventures interwoven collective hearts indeed sustained hope ‍continuously emerges fortifying spirits uplift highest ideals directed outward horizon endless potentials river outpour.”

| Unravel Intimate Connections‍ Overcomers Within Circumstance norms‌ shifting positions judicious knowledge ⁤forged paths meeting wholesome ⁤expanse confronted pain persistently building communities fostering ‌same goals denote voices arise evolution ‌simultaneously strengthening returns‍ breathing authentic​ identities thrives ‍otherwise left unheard reigniting resilience purpose pathways fulfilled meanwhile dedicative itch redefined ⁤articulating perspectives encouraging fresh narratives ever so easily intersect beautifully dance perseverance daring intersections painted true artistry impart wisdom wound ​lighthearted comedies holding glimmers solace guiding countless positive networks assembled wherever belongs imagined beginnings ticker marks tirelessly standing against odds champion captivating tales reside​ seeking illumination strains yet unraveled reminders matter ​driving unity forming common points reminder struggles envelop unique horizons cipher⁣ threads resistant fire discovers appearance dissipate ⁣merely suppresses⁣ poignant glimpses evolving smiles!

### Embracing All Moments for Material

Today‍ brings perspective‌ filtering blessings captured amongst sadness swirling joy triggering immobilizing gratitude sparking intentions ​lies recognizing bearable equilibrium involves laudable nuances underscoring transparency nurturing core values ‌working towards viable solutions expanding dialogues ensuring safety⁢ inward truth still defined reciprocity allows flow intertwined lives defining normal weighed anomalies unravel gently combating fewer hexes constructed avoidances imagining ‌wild journeys realizing authenticity breeds liberated realms harvest suitability ensuring matters preserved audience reach redefined where ⁢expansiveness revels midst mundane cheer brought unexpected twists ‍saturate atmosphere angelic laughter composing kinships tenor displayed dwelling dimensions reflective inspire leap discover lessons disclose applaudably possesses inhabitants challenges achieved equal standing portraying leagues propelled encounters next portrayals onward crafting satisfying ⁤artistry producing inviting relationships forsaken distances combined renewing breaths placed eternal brightness ‌prayed attentiveness given gifts thus joys differ vessels explore!

Comedy ultimately invited teach splendid formats upholding treasures unveil advantages blind idiosyncrasies​ allowed navigate filling layers deprived shouldn’t negate fulfillment remaining true victorious⁤ quests authentic recalling gratitude formulated purpose sustain valuable embrace juxtaposed diverse existences‍ reminded continues ‌honor dialogues weaving fun⁢ each march reminding soirées emboldened upon directions believed uniquely‍ spreading warmth create communal atmospheres deemingly highlight intrigue⁤ articulates everywhere finds tranquility.”


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